I am thankful for my kids. Yes I said my kids. In case you didn’t know I have a set of twins which are a handful, but they constantly keep me on my toes and make me smile all the time. I am not sure I would be the wonderful person I am today if it were not for them.
I am thankful for my job. Given that I work in the oil patch and what happened in the Gulf of Mexico, I am very thankful for my job. A lot of people got laid off this year as a result of the BP accident and subsequent drilling moratorium. And I know I complain a lot about my job because I am basically doing the work of 3-4 full time employees with the pay of 1 person, but I do have a really great job. And with my kids out of school all week I was able to take them to my work and set them up in the conference room with movies, satellite tv, the Playstation 3, and board games and my work was cool with it. So I am very happy to have this job that I have had for 11 years now (as of December 1st).
I am thankful for the fact that I live in the United States. Yes I know I bitch about it a lot, but I am still very happy to live in a great free land.
I am thankful for sports. Yes sports. While other countries have sports, no other country has the cornucopia of sports which we have. I love playing them and I love watching them.
I am thankful for you the readers of my blog. I never thought that my little blog of smart ass filled sarcasm would take off so well. And I never thought I would have people actually read it and enjoy it. When I get to 50 followers I will post a nice picture of myself.
Since I have become fond of reading blogs, I am thankful for blogger. I follow some pretty funny blogs written by people who sometimes share my sick and twisted sense of humor.
I am thankful for the following blogs which you can find here and here (all men should be following them, well all straight men that is). Yes I know what you are saying, Mr. Trash you are a pervert. Yes I know this fact. I like women. A LOT. And those 2 blogs allow me to
I am thankful for books. I love to read and I have a ton of books that are still on my book shelf that I am waiting to read.
I am thankful for my friends, both real life ones and also my eFriends as you all are a great source of fun for me. And also material for my future stand comedian act once I get up the nerve to get over my stage fright.
I am thankful that it is now crawfish season here in Houston. Yes my friends it is time for me to consume 5-10 pounds of them per weekend on those delicious boiled bottom feeders.
And lastly I am also thankful for the pulled muscles in my back that I suffered on Sunday whilst getting all of my Christmas shit out of storage, bringing it to the house, and re-arranging/cleaning my living room. Why would I be thankful for this you ask? Well because it means I am indeed still alive. I do find it mildly fucking ironic that in my last post I made fun of old people for applying Ben Gay to them at the movie theater, while now I am in desperate need of it since I didn’t sleep a wink last night due to my back hurting. Yes that was the Ben Gay Karma Bitch who slapped me around yesterday.
Well I think that is enough for now as if I keep writing things I am thankful for right now, this will turn into a novel. I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving Day and long weekend.